As some people deep clean in spring, I've decided to take this Month to catch up on a few things that got thrown on the back burner. With that in mind you can expect some neat things poping up on By the Light of the Stereo (BLS) in the next few weeks including a few album reviews, a bunch of About Last Night features and hopefully an interview or two. Here's the bad news though, unfortunately I won't be posting any Triple Crowns in September. Once I get some of this back log of material off my plate though I'll be ready to start fresh in October. I already have my eyes on a bunch of great shows to populate next month's Triple Crowns and believe me when I tell you that they'll be well worth wait. Also, I promise that if I see any really good shows coming our way I'll throw out a quick little preview so that you don't miss out..
As for the Tuesday Double Features, I'll still be posting them on time so you can get your weekly video fix. Speaking of which, if you haven't checked out
last week's Zombie extravaganza then make sure you pop by before you leave.
Well I better get to it, cause I got a lot to catch up on. Thanks again to everyone that takes the time to read BLS. I might write for the love of the music but it's for you all that I keep doing it. So keep checking back, cause you don't want to miss a thing. Also this might be a great time to find
our Facebook page and send us a line. I'd love to hear from you all about the music you love and the bands you'd like me to cover. While you're their check out the Photo Albums.
Hope to hear from you and don't forget.
Keep the music playing and play it loud.
Mark A. Lawrence IV
Writer / Editor

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