You have to understand, I've been writing about music for nine years now. No one taught me how, no one showed me how to photograph a concert, I had to learn it all on my own. So as the tour manager of Coldplay lead me from the back stage and onto the Rose Garden floor I could barely catch my breath. Weaving through the endless rows of floor seats until we reached the far side of the stage, I realized I've never been this close to the stage at a show this big. Finally, ushered to the other side of the barricade and given the permission to shoot mere feet from the artists, I have to admit my first few photos were for shit cause I was so nervous. Luckily, the Pierce sisters were so wonderful to behold and their music so arresting that soon I forgot my nerves and set to capturing as many shots as I could in the three song limit I was given.
From backstage I had heard The Pierces start the set and even without seeing them I was amazed that they sounded as good, if not better then the recordings on their latest album You and I.These sister are truly a powerhouse able to push their voices to fill the great expanse of the Rose Garden arena, not a simple feet. I can only imagine this is what it was like to see the Wilson sisters in the heyday of Heart. The awesome might these ladies have at their command was amplified by an amazing touring band who gave each song their bold rich texture. Each song radiated from the stage like a wall of sound that even Phil Spector could admire. Truly playing to the late 60's, early 70's vibe that is part of their mystic, their set, though short, channeled that wildly vibrant energy of an era that saw the likes of The Mammas & the Papas and that first amazing Monterey Pop Festival.
I'm quite certain that The Pierces have made a slew of new fans here in Portland, myself included. I can only hope that it won't be too long before we see them again. As for me, there are moments in your life where you get a chance to see all your hard work bare fruit and last night, like a small gift from God, was one of those moments. Thank you ladies.