This album is pure rock magic. Plugged in and turned up, the subtle rage boiling below the surface of Grace’s music has finally erupted,and man dose she sound pissed off. Bolstered by the aggressive growl of electric guitar and the backing of the rock solid rhythm section of Sam Henry's drums and Jeff Williams' bass, these songs force themselves upon you without diluting the ripe lyrical wit.
From the primal rock howl of “Just A Little Crush” to the jazzy sway of “The Story of Three Weeks,” The Sound of Something Breaking plays as a fully fleshed album that reveals Grace's wide stylistic range. It’s clear that she is evolving musically, growing new limbs of expression while strengthening her preexisting talents.Even her playful personality peaks its head in a Def Leopard style ode to 80's rock guitar on “Make Me Happy.” She seems to acknowledge and embraces this evolution, re-imagining “It’s Only You,” to reshape the song with a true reevaluation of its emotional worth.
Even without the attitude of a gain heavy guitar,Grace’s emotions read as raw and painfully honest as in the building ache of “Final Words,” marking Grace as an emotionally potent song writer of the first order. With this album Grace seems to have awakened to full musical consciousness. You can find it on CD Baby or iTunes so go over and pick up a copy.