Thursday, August 18th
Roxy Epoxy & The Rebounds/Defect Defect/Ari Shine
350 West Burnside
Doors:8PM /Show: 9PM
Adv.:$10 /Day Of:$12
21 & Over
Penelope Houston is a pivotal figure in Punk rock whether the world knows it or not, and a concert by the Avengers is better than a visit by royalty. Having originally existed in a short span of time between 1977 to 1979 this band ran with the likes of the Sex Pistols, X and the Dead Kennedy's and created some of the most meaningful punk rock that ever existed. Their music was not just rage and rebellion, it was raw emotion given purpose and their brief run might in fact have, in my opinion, legitimized punk rock as a musical form. The ground work they laid has shaped all the music that followed. Whether you like punk rock or not this is a show you don't want to miss.
Blessed with the opportunity to support this band is Portland's siren of synth-punk Roxy Epoxy and her band the Rebound. Energetic and powerful in her own right she is a perfect compliment to these trailblazers of punk. Also on the bill is the berserker assault of Defect,Defect and the unique pairing of Ari Shine's rock'n'roll. If your withing 400 miles of Portland or Seattle this weekend you need to make this show.

Sunday, August 21st
The Ettes
Hans Condor/My Goodness
Doug Fir Lounge
830 E Burnside
Adv.:$10/Day Of:$12
21 & Over
The musical equivalent to the perfect storm, The Ettes have a power and energy that can lift cars and up root trees. Their fuzz rich guitars and strutting groove makes a raw sexy sound that feel lusciously dirty and is delivered with a speed that causes whiplash in those improperly secured. With the tornado fury of Poni on drums and the deceptively aggressive precision of Coco and Jem; live, this three piece might have no equal.Touring in support of their latest audio masterpiece Wicked Will; Coco and the crew reveal a new unshakable confidence and the slightest effects of the outlaw country of their new home town of Nashville.
I saw this band 2 years ago at Slabtown and have been jonesing for a chance to see them again ever since. Joining them on stage, like two brothers, is the bluesy aggression of Hans Condor whose powerful music is a thunderously sweaty beast while the broken blues of My Goodness has a smoother yet just as effective come on.

Monday, August 22nd
White Mystery
Shannon & The Clams/The Men/Milk Music/Hurry Up
East End

Price: $8
21 & Over
The bold fuzztastic rock'n'roll of Chicago based White Mystery is a powerful thing made of an audio force that can topple buildings. Their crunchy garage madness is an assault of viciously raw guitar and a blunt force attack of brutal drumming. Like a page out of Phil Specters "Wall of sound", this brother and sister duo make the music that melts the brain and infects your body with an unforgiving rhythm. Live their energy is highly unstable and verges on volatile. Like their wild locks of vibrant red hair Alex and Francis are barely containable when on stage which will make this night at the East End outrageously fun.
Sharing the bill is four other awesome bands. Headlining is the 50's garage flashback phenomenon of Shannon and The Clams. While the supporting slots are held by the wild sonic freakout of The Man, the boldly raw force of Milk Music and the freshly birthed super-group of Hurry Up. Jammed pact with music there's no better way to spend this Monday night.