
Light of the Stereo

Light of the Stereo

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

About Last Night: Kate Nash @ Mississippi Studios 05/13

Photo By Mark Lawrence IV
Last night was the most fun I’ve ever had at Mississippi Studios, which is saying a lot for a Monday night show. It helped that it was sold out and the crowd was brimming with excitement at their chance to see Kate Nash, but it’s still a note worthy fact.

Opening the night was the feel good cotton candy guitar pop of Peach Kelli Pop. Their lighthearted garage romp was energetically upbeat and infectiously danceable. There was nothing weighty about this band; they were just having fun up there on stage, and all of us in the audience could tell. Like the sun baked surf rock of the sixties this optimistic set seemed to mimic the beautiful weather outside. Allie Hanlon and her band must dine on sun rays and rainbows because their playing lacked any form of pretention. I admit this music might not save the world but it sure makes you feel good while you’re in it. Peach Kelli Pop was a perfect compliment to the performance awaiting us in Kate Nash. So as an opening act, they did their job stunningly.
Photo By Mark Lawrence IV
Now to say that Kate Nash was amazing would be a horrendous understatement, because she was so mush more than that. From the moment she took the stage Nash was an unstoppable ball of energy. Bounding across the stage with all the wonderful joy of a child in a bouncy house; at times you had to wonder if she might not be affected by gravity in the same manner as the rest of us. Projecting a powerful confidence that switched between a sensual punk rock mystic and the lovingly approachable girl next door, Nash filled the night with aggressively preformed songs and laughter inspiring stage banter.

Visually the show was uniquely compelling with the incorporation of a multimedia element that made it feel like a U2 concert, but without the pomp and high ticket prices. Not to be overlooked, Nash’s band was equally energetic throwing themselves into each song with a joyful abandonment. It was clear that they were having the time of their lives and they grew more and more excitable, feeding off the energy of the audience. 
Photo By Mark Lawrence IV

At the end of it all this show was overwhelming to the senses. Visually exciting, energetically tactile, and filled with some unforgettable musical performances, this concert will certainly rank high with all those lucky enough to have caught it. Having had little previous exposure to Kate Nash before the show I can tell you that without a doubt that next time she swings through town, I will certainly be one of the many tucked into the crowd anxious to see her again.