Tiger Bar
317 N Broadway
$3 Cover
OPEN BAR 9-10PM!!!!!
As the new year dawns do you find yourself looking at that electric guitar and amp staring across the room from you collecting dust? Do you want to see the world, not just the I-5 corridor? Is it your resolution to finally join a band and let your inner rock star live somewhere other than your living room or garage? Well here's your chance. For the last three Wednesdays in January Portland's own Kleveland will be holding court at the Tiger Bar looking for a new guitarist.
"With a an extra guitarist I can unstrap my guitar and just do my thing." Says Stephanie Smith the powerhouse leading lady of the band, and with the April release of their latest album in Europe and a tour to follow this spring their a lot to look forward to. Interested? Then here is the 411:
Step 1) Head on over to the Klevland MySpace page and learn a few of their songs.
Step 2) Grab your guitar and make it down to Tiger Bar on one of the aforementioned nights
Step 3) Sign up at the door with your name and what song you want to play.
Step 4) Belly up to the bar and drink yourself some courage.(Oh, did I mention the Open Bar from 9 to 10!!!!)
Step 5) When they call your name rock your heart out.
Step 6) The next morning when your boss complains that your late and hung over, just remember their jealous.
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