
Coco Cobra and the Killers
The Food/Thundering Asteroids
Tonic Lounge
3100 NE Sandy Blvd
$6 Cover
21 & Over
The bump and grind rock 'n' roll of Coco Cobra and the Killers is a dirty, dirty lap dance for the ears and Thursday night at the Tonic lounge they're going to shake it until everyone loses control. Filled with raunchy guitars and abusive beats, this is the music of Portland's seedier side. A raw garage sound fueled by the baser of human instincts and translated into the best gut punching punk rock to assault the ears, this band is a must see anytime they take the stage. Lead by the no holds bar stage presence of Coco herself who blends the lines of seduction and chaos, this band was meant to be experienced live. Anything less doesn't do them justice.
Joining them is The Food and Thundering Asteroids whose energetic Avengers' style punk is infused with a healthy dose of tongue-in-cheek geek-dom. So bundle up for the cold and make your way to the Tonic, because 6 bucks is a cheap price to get a right start of your weekend a little early.
Saturday, February 5th

Clutch/Valient Thorr
Roseland Theater
8 NW 6th Ave
Adv.:$28.50 Ticket West
All Ages
In anticipation of this show, my inner headbanger is pumping his fist forcefully skyward while his long mane cascades wildly in all directions. It's Motorhead for phucks-sakes. Considered by most to be one of the ultimate metal bands and respected by members of almost every musical genera, this is one of the keystone bands still playing. Screw the Rolling Stones and their over priced geriatric rock, these guys are still in the trenches and will be until they put six feet of dirt on them. Known for their Blitzkrieg speed and Blusey metal there is nothing more rock'n'roll then the stone grinding voice of Lemmy. Populating the rest of the bill is equally familiar metal speedsters staple Valient Thorr and the Cadmium blues of East coast based Clutch, that what they lack in speed make up in power and rough-edged soul. A little spendy at $28.50, but well worth the price, this is an all ages show so bring to kids and show them what real rock'n'roll looks like.
Wednesday, Fe

Social Distortion
Lucero/Chuck Ragan
Crystal Ballroom
1332 W Burnside
21 & Over
If you have tickets count yourself blessed and if not pay the scalper's price because this might be the greatest show to hit Portland all year. As if Social Distortion wasn't enough,(second night of a two date stay) the rest of the line up is filled with two of the hardest working-class bands to be currently touring across the US. This is the music of the hard fighting masses. Those who work crap jobs to keep their hopes alive. This is the anthem of those who have been stripped clean by whiskey and still dream big with grease beneath their nails.
Social Distortion needs no introduction. The Godfathers of blue-collar punk these LA natives have been rocking the world since the early 80's with their original mix of punk, blues and roots rock. Opening the show is Chuck Ragan a callused handed troubadour with the mentality of a folk singer and the heart of a gutter punk. Ragan's music is part politics, honest reflection and a personal journey of atonement. Finishing off the bill is the road hardened rock of Lucero. These prodigal southern son's make some of the best country tinged rock'n'roll to come out of Memphis in the last decade. Singing of whiskey and heart ache the way only southerners can, these boys have more miles and stories than a long-haul trucker.
It is a true gift to have this awesome show only an month into the new year and topping off this triple crown so nicely. And if it's any indicator of what's to come, we've got a great year for live music ahead of us.